Las Calaveras en Reforma
One of the many impressive things about Mexico City is the number and variety of public art installations along the main avenues. This month, Day of the Dead festivities culminated with the placement of dozens of large, creatively decorated skulls, or calaveras, along the Paseo de la Reforma, where they'll remain until December 15th. I've had trouble articulating just how cool these sculptures are when trying to describe them to people, but fortunately some kind souls have made photos available through Creative Commons. Aren't these neat?

Calavera antrera! posted by M.a.r.i.a.n.i.t.u.x.

DSCF3183 posted by Gary Denness

DSCF3175 posted by Gary Denness

DSCF3158 posted by Gary Denness.

DSCF3143 posted by Gary Denness.

DSCF3152 posted by Gary Denness. As a side note, the building in the background that appears to be a church is actually a gay disco.

DSCF3269 posted by Gary Denness. To me this is the most impressive of the bunch - while it may be hard to see in a small photo, the design on this calavera was created with thousands of yellow, black and white corn kernels, making it an obsessive's masterpiece.

Calavera antrera! posted by M.a.r.i.a.n.i.t.u.x.

DSCF3183 posted by Gary Denness

DSCF3175 posted by Gary Denness

DSCF3158 posted by Gary Denness.

DSCF3143 posted by Gary Denness.

DSCF3152 posted by Gary Denness. As a side note, the building in the background that appears to be a church is actually a gay disco.

DSCF3269 posted by Gary Denness. To me this is the most impressive of the bunch - while it may be hard to see in a small photo, the design on this calavera was created with thousands of yellow, black and white corn kernels, making it an obsessive's masterpiece.
At December 3, 2007 at 7:07 PM ,
Megan said...
Does this mean you're my reader in Mexico City? I've been wondering for so long.
(If it doesn't, that's a little embarrassing.)
At December 27, 2007 at 5:40 PM ,
Gary Denness said...
Thanks for sharing my Calatrava snaps - I think I got a photo of each and every one, unless I missed something somewhere!
Great blog as well - another one for my feed reader!
At January 1, 2008 at 7:24 PM ,
Lara said...
Ha - clearly I need to be more observant when using Blogger, since it's taken me this long to realize that there were comments here! Megan, I certainly have been reading your blog from Mexico, and have really been enjoying it. Gary, thank you so much for making your photos available for others to share and for taking such wonderful pictures of the city - I didn't have a camera until recently, and so frequently referred people to your Flickr page when trying to describe what it's like here. It's especially great to have records of temporary art installations like the Calaveras. It was sad to see them go, but I guess they had to make way for the nativity scenes, and having skulls around at Chrstmastime probably would have been a little less than festive anyway. :)
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